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Harmonize Your Life

Do you want to experience the transformative power of a holistic approach to healthy living? At All About That Balance, we believe living an active and healthy lifestyle is not defined or limited by physical stamina, muscle size, or outward appearance. Instead, we focus on helping our clients harmonize all aspects of their personal health and wellness.

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Be. Live. Stay Well.

At All About That Balance, we tailor programs to fit your needs, goals, and your “why”. We believe that, with consistent and caring support and coaching, you will be able to achieve being, living, and staying well in all dimensions of your life. Let us help you achieve the best version of yourself.

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Welcome to All About That Balance

Purpose driven health, fitness, and nutrition coaching.

Meet Erin

Dr. Erin Nitschke is an ACE Certified Health Coach, ACE CPT, NSCA and NFPT Certified Personal Trainer and Precision Nutrition Level 1 coach. She has been a health and fitness industry professional and exercise science professor since 2003. Erin also has featured publications with the American Council on Exercise, the NFPT, and IDEA. 

Erin believes that active and healthy lifestyle is multifaceted and requires commitment and harmony in all aspects of personal wellness. Being fit means finding an equilibrium between the physical, social, intellectual, environmental, occupational, and spiritual dimensions of personal well-being. We are personally and professionally dedicated to teaching clients how to achieve such balance through learning and focused skill development. It’s not simply about “hitting the gym”; it’s about discovering inner strength, harnessing personal potential, and exercising the courage to pursue a meaningful goal.

Contact me for a free consultation!

How I Collaborate with Clients

Work with me to tackle the most challenging aspects of your health. I offer three distinct services and/or a package option.

Virtual Health Coaching

Helps you create a strategic focus and action plans aimed at balancing overall lifestyle and health behaviors. Stress management, time management, SMART-ER goal setting, accountability, and positive habit formation are all priorities.

Virtual Personal Training

Bringing the benefit of a well-rounded movement routine to the comfort and convenience of your home, office, or on-the-go location. You determine what you want to accomplish, and we build an individualized goal-driven plan to meet your needs. Our belief is that exercise does not have to feel like a task; it should feel like fun!

Virtual Nutrition Coaching

Curious how you can better balance your nutritional intake and fuel for life’s many activities and responsibilities. Here, we take a food-first (not supplements) approach. We guide clients toward intuitive practices that do not require restriction or hours of meal prepping and planning.

Professional Mentoring

Are you a newly certified professional? Do you have questions about how to get started in the health and exercise field? I offer mentorship services in a customized way that fits your goals, needs, and budget! Book a free initial consult now!

Publications and Interviews

Sitting – A Different Kind of Addiction

Here’s a question to ponder… Heart disease, cancer, stroke, and diabetes are cited as the world’s leading causes of death – in that order (CDC, 2007). All of those diseases can be linked to sedentary Read more…

Diet. A Four Letter Word.

Diet – truly a “four letter” word that we need to considering striking from our vocabulary. Why is the act of “going on a diet” so prolific and popular? Is it because it’s trendy? Or Read more…

Caffeine Powder – A Lethal Product

Great news! There’s a new word for “crazy” and it’s spelled “C-a-f-f-e-i-n-e P-o-w-d-e-r. Yes, available on the market and online is a powdered form of caffeine. Why? Because the dark stuff brewed from the bean Read more…

Fitness Myths…Busted!

Everything on the Internet is true. Right? Oh..wait… 🙂 The advent of the Internet has helped the human race progress in business, media, education, etc. In addition, information is easy to find; a simple Google Read more…

Weight: It’s just a number. Celebrate non-scale victories!

Ah, the bathroom scale – or – it’s more commonly known alias  – the $%#*! 🙂 Why do we get so stuck on what the bathroom scale says? Is it because it’s tangible and quantifiable? Read more…

Detox Diets – Help or Hype?

The Detox Diet If you Google “detox diet”, you will come across a thousand different definitions and variations. To break it down to the common denominators, most include some element of the following: fasting, increased Read more…

Made for YOU Fitness

Good day, Well members! I’d like to focus today’s discussion on unique fitness needs, so your participation and responses will be welcomed (as always)! If there is one “golden rule” in the fitness industry it’s Read more…

Dietary Supplements – Exercising Caution

Good day, All! I hope your week is going “Well”. 🙂 On to the day’s topic – dietary supplements. If there is one subject we spend a considerable amount of time discussing in my health Read more…