Good day, Well members!

I’d like to focus today’s discussion on unique fitness needs, so your participation and responses will be welcomed (as always)!

If there is one “golden rule” in the fitness industry it’s this: Always approach each client as the individual he or she is and craft a routine that safely and effectively meets the client’s needs, goals, preferences. In other words, there’s no “one size fits all” approach in this world. Client’s are rarely “textbook”. Yes, there are certain textbook cases (special populations, risk stratification factors, pregnancy status, etc.) that require us to follow certain standard guidelines. However, this does not mean every pregnant client one has will, can, or should follow the same program. If you’re training the right way, you will always feel as if you’re starting from square 1. This is a good thing!

As a professional, I’m constantly quizzed by colleagues, friends, and students about “what exercises would be right for me?” A question I both LOVE and FEAR. I love it because I love what I do and I love sharing my passion and helping people live their best life. I fear it because the answer is never easy. The best advice is tailored advice. For me (or any health and fitness professional) to provide such advice, a deeper conversation must occur – one that takes in to account what the individual truly hopes to accomplish (the goal), what the individual enjoys (the likes and dislikes), and what unique risk factors (the possible contraindications) may or may not have an impact.

With that said, in absence of opportunities for a one-on-one comprehensive assessment with those of you who are interested, I would still be happy to provide tips, tricks, and/or ideas for quick and convenient workouts.

We all get in a rut – even the professionals. I’m always joking with my hubby that I need to hire my own personal trainer! Haha.

Okay, back to the serious part of this post: part of the purpose of this blog is not just to share knowledge, but to provide ideas for helping each of you live your best life. To do that, I’d like to gather your feedback (this, of course, is assuming anyone is actually following this blog and I’m not aimlessly and fecklessly stringing together different combinations of 26 letters…:)).

Please feel free to comment (or write to me privately) as to what you’d like to see. Do you want to know the best types of exercise for X? Or get a suggestion for a 15 minute calorie blast workout? Something to do in your office on breaks? Convenient at-home options?  Whatever the topic or question – hit me with it. I’ll do all that I can to provide you with that you need.

Until next time…Meet you at the Well.



Erin Nitschke

Passionate wife, mother, college educator, writer, blogger, and health and fitness professional.


Mark Nitschke · April 15, 2016 at 9:52 pm

I feel so lucky to have such a knowledgeable, and beautiful, wife! I know not everyone out there has someone to help them write up a workout plan, or to even point them in the right direction. You have certainly helped me meet my fitness goals as well as taught me to continue to strive for more.

    Erin Nitschke · April 15, 2016 at 10:28 pm

    Oh sweets, it is I that is the lucky one. 🙂 You are the fire within me. I love you!

Susan Snyder · April 17, 2016 at 2:59 pm

After deciding a few months ago to make some healthy changes, I started tracking what I ate and making an effort to get regular workouts. I’ve been successful in that I’ve lost 20 pounds and feel stronger and healthier! However, I’ve discovered that I would rather walk for an hour than burn the same calories in any 20 minute workout I’ve tried. That’s not really helpful on targeting areas like abs, so any tips for ab workouts that don’t involve crunches or sit ups (they make my back hurt)?

    Erin Nitschke · April 17, 2016 at 10:57 pm

    Good for you, Susan! You should be proud of the work you’ve accomplished thus far. 🙂 And great question! You’re not alone – many individuals don’t get too excited about high intensity interval training. My advice is always do what you enjoy – it will ensure you stick with it and achieve your goal. On to your question: Have you tried Yoga or Pilates? Both offer wonderful core strength benefits as well as strength, flexibility and stress relief. When it comes to strengthen the core, we have to remember to strengthen the ENTIRE core – which includes low back – Yoga and Pilates can do this as well. Keep doing the cardio and maybe kick up the duration as you become more fit. It’s a been a longtime myth that doing crunches alone with “chisel the abs”. Oh – if only it were that simple. 🙂 It’s not – in order for the muscles to be defined, we must first improve body composition (increase lean tissue/muscle and decrease non-lean tissue/fat mass). Cardio is one of the keys to accomplishing this; it requires an increase in heart rate and uses oxygen (which means larger amounts of calories are being burned). Keep burning those calories! Does that help to answer your question? Or did it spark another? Feel free to comment again. Thanks, Susan. Again, great job! I’m so proud of you!

Erin Nitschke · April 17, 2016 at 11:07 pm

From a reader who messaged me privately, but wanted me to share the question. I appreciate you reading this blog and posing your question to me! Okay, here’s the question/comment:

For me the best exercise is walking – my route is 4.2 miles. I carry my weight in my belly and face. The belly comes off nicely with the walking and healthy food choices – but the double chin stays – even 2 years ago when I lost 40 lbs to well within my recommended weight/BMI. Is there any thing that is effective at eliminating the stubborn double chin?

What a great question! The short answer is this – our bodies (however annoying it may feel at times) enjoy homeostasis (balance). And how our bodies both store and lose fat is largely related to genetics and physiology (and those silly hormones). Unfortunately, we don’t get to consciously choose where fat is lost or stored. The best approach is to reduce body fat systemically – throughout the entire body. You may want to add some resistance training to your cardio routine. While resistance training sessions are not metabolically demanding (don’t require as many calories to be burned during the actual session) as cardio, weight training does increase muscle mass, which is more metabolically active at rest than fat. This is how you can increase your resting metabolic rate. You may be surprised at how your entire body composition shifts upon adding just that component. Does that help? Keep the comments coming!

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