Hello, faithful blog followers! I hope you’re enjoying this summer day! I wanted to take a minute to provide you with a resource if you are looking for information on the quality of different fitness trackers.

There are a ton of quality as well as questionable fitness products on the market today. And, it gets tricky and time-consuming to research all the
various pros and cons of each individual product. A reader recently sent me this resource: Reviews.com.
After reading through the site and conferring with a colleague of mine, we both came to the same conclusion.  GREAT information and high quality and detailed reviews of a number of trackers.

If you are in the market for a quality product to support your health and fitness goals, check out the information Reviews provides. I’m impressed with the thoroughness of the product discussion and the unbiased guidance provided. Further, the team of researchers responsible for this information does an excellent job of supporting their top choices with a solid rationale and data. You don’t find that level of commitment to quality research around every corner. I also appreciate that the reviews call out inconsistencies (such as steps counted when no movement took place) in each product; this helps increase consumers’ awareness of the accuracy and margin of error. In other words, encouraging consumers to avoid the belief that any product is 100% accurate – we just aren’t there yet with wearable tech.

With so much information and loosely supported advice on the web, this is one resource you can definitely trust! Take some time to peruse it and share it! When it comes to fitness (like many other aspects of life), you get what you pay for. Invest the time to get to know the product before you invest the money to own it.

Happy reading, friends! Until next time, be, live, and stay well.

Yours in health,




Erin Nitschke

Passionate wife, mother, college educator, writer, blogger, and health and fitness professional.


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