Guest Bloggers
The 411 on Fitness Apps
Hello Be, Live, Stay Well friends! This post is special as it marks the first of many (I hope) guest blogger posts. This one is by my friend and former colleague, Keri Dedeo. Her bio and link to her personal site are included. Please enjoy this entry – it’s beautiful and honest, just like Keri! Thanks for contributing to BLSW.
Bio: Keri De Deo is a writer, editor, teacher, musician, and online educational designer in writing, grammar, and research. She loves technology and finding innovative tools for a happy, healthy life. Keri spends her free time with her husband kayaking, hiking, and walking her two beautiful dogs: Maiya and Lilla. To learn more about Keri, visit her website:!
My Top 5 Fitness Apps
By Keri DeDeo
If you’ve been looking for the perfect fitness app, then you’ve noticed, no doubt, that there are thousands out there. So, how do you know which one works for you? Perhaps I can help. (more…)